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★★★★★ Excellent 179
★★★★☆ Good 7
★★★☆☆ Medium 0
★★☆☆☆ Poor 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

All reviews

4 years ago

Thank You

I just wanted to thank you on a great product and fantastic support. The installation of the emulator was easy, the LEDs light accord to the documentation and once the codes were reset it worked very well, no issues. The support you provided was very impressive and was reassuring.

4 years ago

je recommande

bonjour, un grand merci a toute l'équipe pour leur accueil et conseille, très facile à installer et efficace, c'est la fin des mes nuits en blanc à penser quoi faire, car le véhicule ne passait pas au contrôle technique, encore une fois merci à tous , je vous recommande Cordialement

4 years ago


Bom dia. Recebi sim o emulador é já instalei guncionou muito brm, fiquei muito satisfeito com o produto é atendimento.

4 years ago

Real professional

After receiving my products I encountered a problem with a diagnostic A person from shop helped me and all are well, I recommend 100% Thak you for being serious

4 years ago

Works perfect

Works as it must.